SACRED HEART SCHOOL is named after the Heart of Jesus Christ. In ordinary human language Heart stands for Love, Affection, Feeling and Sacrifice. The Heart of Jesus is the symbol of the 'Sacrifice of Love' which he accomplished for the welfare and upliftment of human race. Heart is also the seat of MERCY, COMPASSION and SERVICE. So our school stands for all these human and divine qualities, which are to be used for the INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT of the students of this SURROUNDING LOCALITY - whose service is the PRIME CONCERN of this institution.
The coat of arms designed for Sacred Heart School incorporated elements that will make it easily recognizable. On the shield divided vertically we have on the right, the Heart of Jesus burning with love for the entire human race. The oozing of the blood drops stands for the supreme sacrifice, which He made to lift us up. The Heart of Jesus is the sign of His universal love for each human being. The initials S.H.S at the left part above stands for 'Sacred Heart School'. At the bottom the motto of the School is given in Sanskrit: 'TAMASO MA JYOTIRGAMAYA' which means "LEAD ME FROM DARKNESS TO LIGHT."
Sacred Heart School was started in its present form in the year 1990 at the request of the local influential population who insisted on the need of having a good English Medium School in this locality, as there was none of its kind here. The need for such a school becomes all the more important, given the number of English speaking population of Adra, which is a very old Divisional head Quarter of the S. E. Rly. Sacred Heart School is privately managed school run under the aegis of Jamshedpur Diocesan Corporation with a properly constituted Managing Committee to help out in the welfare and the development of this institution. The School is open to all irrespective of religious, linguistic, cultural and social affiliations. We impart quality education through the medium of English
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